
Announcement on Preventing Central African Republic Yellow Fever from Entering China

According to WHO report on October 30th, a yellow fever disease case is discovered in Central African Republic. Among 34 intimate contactors, 4 people have the fever symptom. In order to prevent the yellow fever disease from entering China, in accordance with Frontier Health and Quarantine Law of the People’s Republic of China and its rules for the implementation, the Announcement is hereby promulgated as follows:

In case a person who comes from Central African Republic and is over 1 year’s old shall present their valid yellow fever vaccination certifications to the entry-exit inspection and quarantine institution. For those who don’t have the yellow fever vaccination certification, the inspection and quarantine institution may request 6-day detaining inspection calculated from the date when they leave the infectious environment.

In case people, from Central African Republic, who have the symptoms, such as fever, icterus, etc., they shall report to the inspection and quarantine institutions initiatively. Provided that the symptoms are discovered after they enter the country, they shall immediately see the doctor and report the latest travel experience to the doctor so as to be diagnosed and treated in time. The inspection and quarantine institution shall reinforce their work of body temperature inspection and medicinal tour inspection, etc. to the people from the infected areas and take the necessary methods of isolation and  the like to, people who report the said symptoms, the discovered yellow fever patients and suspected yellow fever bearers.

The vehicles and containers from Central African Republic shall be given the mosquito extermination treatment. The inspection and quarantine institution shall take strict quarantine inspection to the vehicles and containers from Central African Republic. Provided that mosquitoes are discovered, immediately exterminate them. The inspection and quarantine institution shall reinforce their work of the port sanitation supervision, take every effective measurement to exterminate the mosquitoes, eliminate their breeding areas to reduce the mosquito density of the port and prevent the spread of the disease.

People who head for Central African Republic shall get the disease information from entry-exit inspection and quarantine institution and its international traveling hygiene center or the Health Quarantine and Traveling Health column on the AQSIQ website. (http://www.aqsiq.gov.cn) and inoculate the yellow fever bacterin simultaneously.

Yellow fever is a disease diffused by mosquitoes with a latent period of 3-6 days and  characterized by sudden fever, headache, backache, maupathia and for critical patients, the symptoms of vomiting, icterus, liver intumescence and albuminuria, etc. Morality rate related to the disease for the foreign people getting into the disease areas is 30%-40%. People who are heading for the yellow fever prevailing areas shall inoculate the yellow fever bacterin at least 10 days prior to the date when they enter those areas and during the trip, they shall take care about mosquito prevention and extermination to avoid mosquito biting. Once the said symptoms appear, they shall  immediately see the doctor.

This announcement is valid until Feb. 11th (3 months) from its release.